Saturday, 23 November 2013

Week_8 _Mark_Sheet

Things to remember for the assignment hand in date: TBC.

1) Your work is marked INDIVIDUALLY make sure that your personal blog is up to date and that it contains everything that you personally have done during the module. Print out your blog and hand this in.

2) You must put all of your work on a CD or DVD including all work files. Again you MUST hand in your own work on your own disc. Don't just put everything on one group disc unless all files are VERY clearly labelled so I can see who did what.

3) The group blog should contain minutes of every meeting you've had throughout the semester. Print this out and hand it in with one group member’s work. It is not necessary for every member of the group to hand in a copy of this.

4) Your final animation can be included on each group member’s disc if you like but it may be best to include a separate disc for it and attach it to the group blog printout.

Copy of the mark scheme is below.

Virtual Environments MOD002688 2013-14 Marking Scheme


1) Research and preparation
Evidence of background knowledge
historical perspectives and interpretation,
script, storyboard, design planning.


2) Standard of modeling and animation
Form to function, 
appropriate use of primitives.
 Example on Blog


3) Integration of new skills
3D studio Max specific,
student examples on blog.

4) Individual Contribution to group work
Documentation and blog.


5) Validity and quality of final video
Editing style- use of
establishing shots, close up shots,
cut aways etc, pace and narrative,
contribution of audio and visual FX.



7. Learning Outcomes as defined in the MDF
Demonstrated by
  1. Research topics relevant to specific modeling and animation needs
  1. Design and create complex scenes including, animation, rendering , lighting and camera work to produce special effects
1, 3 and 5
  1. Generate, manipulate and apply materials – computer and independently generated.
2,3, and 5
  1. Produce animated sequences of real/fictitious images and characters including movement through the scene
2, 3 and 5
  1. Work independently to a set brief
1 and 4
  1. Critically appraise and reflect on the effectiveness of the work produced via critique, sketchbook and blog.
1, 3 and 4

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